Course Schedule

This page displays an outline of the topics, content, and assignments for the term. Each module starts on a Wednesday. Note that all of your coding and project assignments are due on the Monday after they are assigned at 11:59 p.m.

Module Date Skills Packages Functions Readings Reference Slides Videos Assignments
Aug 23 Course Intro
GS Aug 28 RStudio and Quarto 📖 🖥️ 🖥️
Aug 30 More with Quarto 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
1.1 Sep 4 Read data into R readr, dplyr read_csv(), glimpse() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Sep 6 Reshape, clean data tidyr, dplyr pivot_longer(), mutate(), mutate_at(), substring() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️🖥️
1.2 Sep 11 Download data wbstats, vdemdata, dplyr, janitor wb_data(), vdem, select_(), filter(), case_match(), round_to_fraction() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Sep 13 Merge data frames, group, summarize and arrange countrycode, dplyr , readr countrycode(), left_join(), write_csv(), group_by(), summarize(), arrange() 📖 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️🖥️ 🧮
2.1 Sep 18 Bar charts & histograms ggplot2 ggplot(), geom_col(), geom_histogram(), aes(), labs() 📖📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Sep 27 Line charts & scatter plots ggplot2, scales geom_line() , geom_point(), geom_smooth(), scale_x_log10(), label_number(), geom_text() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
2.2 Sep 25 Color schemes tidyr, colorBlindess, dplyr, viridis, RColorBrewer drop_na(), cvdPlot(), scale_fill_manual(), scale_fill_viridis_d(), scale_fill_brewer(), scale_color_manual(), scale_color_viridis_d(), scale_color_brewer 📖 📖 🖥️ 🖥️
Sep 27 Themes, annotations & interactivity ggplot2 , plotly theme_dark(), theme_minimal(), annotate(), geom_hline(), geom_vline(),``ggplotly(), layout() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️🖥️ 🧮
3.1 Oct 2 Map data with choropleth maps rnaturalearth, ggplot2, ggthemes , virids ne_countries(), geom_sf(), theme_map() , theme() , scale_fill_viridis_c() 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Oct 4 Turn your map into a function souce(), function() 📖 📖 🖥️ 🖥️
3.2 Oct 9 Make a leaflet map states, sf , leaflet, htmltools leaflet(), st_as_sf() , addTiles(), addMarkers(),addProviderTiles() 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️🖥️ 🧮
Oct 11 No class, fall break 🍁🍂🎃
4.1 Oct 16 Exploring tabular data tidycensus, dplyr, stringr, kableExtra census_api_key(), load_variables(), get_acs(), rename(), rename_with, str_remove(), kable(), slice_max(), slice_min(), slice_sample(), bind_rows() 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Oct 18 Make a gt table, make confidence intervals with ggplot2 gt , ggplot2 gt(), tab_header(), cols_label(), fmt_currency(), tab_source_note(), cols_width(), opt_table_font(), cols_align(), tab_options(), gtsave() , geom_errorbar() 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
4.2 Oct 23 Display regression tables peacesciencer, broom, dplyr create_stateyears(), add_ucdp_acd(), add_democracy(), add_creg_fractionalization(), add_sdp_gdp(), add_rugged_terrain(), tidy(), mutate_if(), glm(), binomial() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️
Oct 25 Make regression tables and coefficient plots modelsummary list(), modelsummary(), modelplot(), rev() 🖥️🖥️ ✍️ 🧮
5.1 Oct 30 Scatter plot app setup, building the UI dplyr , shiny summarize_all(), fluidPage(), titlePanel(), sidebarLayout(), sidebarPanel(), selectInput(), mainPanel(), plotOutput() 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Nov 1 Building the server shiny renderPlot(), shinyApp() 🖥️
5.2 Nov 6 Line chart app setup, building the UI fredr , shiny fredr_set_key() , as.Date() , Sys.Date() , column(), wellPanel(), helpText(), sliderInput() 📖 🖥️ 🖥️🖥️
Nov 8 Building the server fredr , shiny reactive(), fredr(), fred_indicator() 🖥️ ✍️ 🧮
6.1 Nov 13 Building your app 🖥️
Nov 15 Troubleshooting your app
6.2 Nov 20 Sharing your app 🖥️
Nov 22 Shinylive
Nov 27 No class, Thanksgiving break 🦃🥧🍂
Nov 29 No class, Thanksgiving break
Dec 4 Lightning talks
Dec 6 Lightning talks ✍️