Accessibility and Color Schemes

September 24, 2024

Color Blindness

  • Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) or color blindness affects 8 percent of men and 1 in 200 women
  • There are different types of CVD but most common is red-green color blindness
  • Therefore, don’t include red and green in the same chart!
  • Look for color blind safe palettes

Last Week’s Line Chart

Last Week’s Line Chart

Create last week’s line chart and save as an object…

dem_waves_ctrs <- read_csv("")

dem_waves_chart <- ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
    x = "Year", 
    y = "Polyarchy Score", 
    title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"', 
    caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute", 
    color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case

CVD Plot

CVD Plot

Call CVD plot from the colorBlindness package. CVD stands for “color vision deficiency.”



CVD Plot

Click on little image to expand view…

Your Turn!

  • Take your dem_waves_chart object and run cvdPlot() on it
  • Expand the window and have a good look
  • Which group would have the toughest time reading this graph?

Create Your Own Color Scheme

Create Your Own Color Scheme

cb_palette <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

flfp_region <- ggplot(flfp_gdp_regions, aes(x = reorder(iso3c, -flfp), y = flfp, fill = region)) +
  geom_col() + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent(scale = 1)) +
    x = "Region", 
    y = "Avg. Female Labor Force Participation", 
    title = "Levels of female labor force participation by region", 
    fill = "Region",
    caption = "Source: World Bank"

flfp_region + scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette)

Create Your Own Color Scheme

cb_palette <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

flfp_region <- ggplot(flfp_gdp_regions, aes(x = reorder(iso3c, -flfp), y = flfp, fill = region)) +
  geom_col() + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent(scale = 1)) +
    x = "Region", 
    y = "Avg. Female Labor Force Participation", 
    title = "Levels of female labor force participation by region", 
    fill = "Region",
    caption = "Source: World Bank"

flfp_region + scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette)

Your Turn!

  • Go to Module 2.2 on the course website
  • Do the setup steps
  • Reproduce the column chart of FLFP with the custom color scheme
  • Try changing one of the hex codes
  • Now run cvdPlot() on the plot object to make sure it is color-blind friendly
  • Now try a coolors palette or GW colors

Using a Color Palette

  • There are many color palettes
  • Viridis scales look cool and are accessible
  • ColorBrewer has many scales some of which are color-blind safe
  • The paletteer package aims to be a comprehensive collection of color palettes


flfp_region + scale_fill_viridis_d()


flfp_region <-flfp_region + scale_fill_viridis_d()


flfp_region + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "YlGn")


flfp_region <- flfp_region + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "YlGn")



flfp_region + scale_fill_paletteer_d("rcartocolor::Temps")


Not all palettes are color-blind safe…

flfp_region <- flfp_region + scale_fill_paletteer_d("rcartocolor::Temps")



flfp_region + scale_fill_paletteer_d("beyonce::X1") 

And some many not have enough colors for your chart…

flfp_region +  scale_fill_paletteer_d("beyonce::X1")

Your Turn

  • Try one of the color palettes packages we just discussed
  • A full list of viridis schemes is here
  • For ColorBrewer, check out this selector tool
  • For paletteer, check out this paletteer gallery

Scaling for Scatter Plots

Fill vs. Color

  • Use fill (e.g. fill = or scale_fill_*) to modify the fill color of shapes like bars, boxes, or polygons.
  • Commonly applied to:
    • Bar charts
    • Box plots
    • Histograms

Fill vs. Color

  • Use color (e.g. color = or scale_color_*) to modify the color of points, lines, or text.
  • Commonly applied to:
    • Scatter plots
    • Line charts
    • Text elements

Scaling for Scatter Plots

wealth_flfp <- ggplot(flfp_gdp, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = flfp)) + 
  geom_point(aes(color = region)) + # color points by region
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", linewidth = 1) +  # make the line a loess curve
  scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_dollar()) + # stretch axis, add '$' format
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent(scale = 1)) + # add % label
    x= "GDP per Capita", # x-axis title
    y = "Female Labor Force Participation", # y-axis title
    title = "Wealth and female labor force participation", # plot title
    caption = "Source: World Bank Development Indicators", # caption
    color = "Region" # legend title

wealth_flfp + scale_color_viridis_d(option = "plasma")

Scaling for Scatter Plots

Use the end argument to darken the colors

wealth_flfp + scale_color_viridis_d(option = "plasma", end = .7)

Scaling for Scatter Plots

Use the direction argument to flip the color scale…

wealth_flfp + scale_color_viridis_d(option = "plasma", direction = -1)

Your Turn!

  • Try using one of the color schemes on a scatter plot
  • Use scale_color_ instead of scale_fill_
  • Play around with end and direction arguments in viridis